• DLNA protocol stack compliant with DLNA Interoperability Guidelines 1.5 supporting Digital Media Server (DMS), Player (DMP),Renderer (DMR), and Controller (DMC) device classes. All supported DLNA device classes are certified
• Based on customized UPnP open source software (libupnp). UPnP software stack is compliant with UPnP AV Specification v1.0 and certified
• Supports Commercial Video Profiles (CVP) for the exchange of premium video contents within the home network containing:
• DTCP-IP source/sink compliant with DTCP Volume 1 Supplement E Mapping DTCP to IP rev 1.4
• RUI client/server based on CE-HTML (CEA-2014-B)
• Live TV extensions
• Supports variety of media containers (avi/divx, mp4, mov, MPEG2 TS/PS, Avchd, Matroska, flv, ogg) and media formats (also depending on the target hardware)